The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is proud to be a partner of The Sapphire Project.
The Sapphire Project will provide a platform to showcase organisations committed to ocean conservation and connect the Australian philanthropic community to this critically underfunded area.
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is proud to be a partner of The Sapphire Project. The Foundation is supporting Sapphire 2022 by administering and distributing raised funds to the recipient organisations as nominated by the Sapphire committee with no administration fee. For the purposes of issuing you with a tax-deductible receipt, your data will be shared with the Foundation.
In 2022, The Sapphire Project is proud to partner with these charitable organisations, supporting the ocean and the reef in the following areas:
Rehabilitation Blue Carbon Lab - Deakin University
Science & Research Lizard Island Research Station - Australian Museum
Education Take 3 for the Sea
Community Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef
Protection The Great Barrier Reef Foundation
First Nations Leadership Girrungun Aboriginal Corporation
Please make your tax-deductible donation to The Sapphire Project today.

Email to receive details to make your donation by bank deposit.
For donation and receipt enquiries please email or call 1800 427 300.