Climate change is the greatest threat facing the reef and a challenge we must all tackle together.
The growing combination of rising water temperatures, poorer water quality from sediment run-off and pollution, as well as more severe cyclones and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks, are just some of the threats creating a perfect storm for our reef and the iconic animals that depend on it.

Climate change
Climate change is the greatest threat to the Great Barrier Reef, threatening its very existence.
El Niño
This climate pattern causes unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean, placing corals at risk.

Coral Bleaching
The Reef has suffered four mass coral bleaching events in just seven years due to heat stress caused by climate change.

Water quality
Increasing sediment, nutrients and contaminants, combined with rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification are damaging the Reef.

Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
When the coral-eating starfish appear in outbreak proportions, the impact on coral reefs can be disastrous.

Coastal development
As Queensland continues to grow, so does development along the coast and islands adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef Region.

#The Reef needs our help
Help protect the Reef and the animals that call it home.