The Great Barrier Reef is a totally unique ecosystem that’s home to thousands of interesting species! Right here you can learn even more about our Reef and the amazing animals that depend on it.
Jump on in to learn more about our Reef!

Spot the difference
Tap to clean up as many plastic bags as you can in 30 seconds. But don’t disturb the jellyfish!

Great minds wanted
Spot what’s Great and Not Great on the Great Barrier Reef.

Colour the Reef
Are you up to the colour challenge? Bring your favourite Reef animals to life.
Top 7 Reef documentaries
Sit back, relax and check out our amazing Reef from the comfort of the couch.

The chatterbox challenge
Can you master this tricky chatterbox full of Reef trivia and did you know 1,625 different species of fish live on the Great Barrier Reef?
#Amazing animals
Click on your favourite images to learn more.