Expression of Interest:
Reef Traditional Owner for COTS Control Innovation Program Steering Committee
This opportunity is now closed.
This expression of interest (EOI) is to identify a Reef Traditional Owner to join the Steering Committee for the COTS Control Innovation Program (CCIP). The research program is entering its final year and the Committee will be focused on wrapping up the current projects and discussing next steps. This research program is funded by the Australian Government and brings together multi-disciplinary expertise to improve the approach to COTS control and surveillance across the Great Barrier Reef.
About the Committee
The research program is governed by a Steering Committee that oversees delivery of the program. The CCIP Steering Committee is chaired by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and consists of members from partner research institutions (Australian Institute of Marine Science, CSIRO, James Cook University, and University of Queensland), a Reef Traditional Owner, and the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Observers from the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, and the tourism industry also sit on the Committee. The Committee meets at least once per quarter online and meetings are usually 2 hours in duration.
About the Opportunity
The Reef Traditional Owner role on the Committee has recently become vacant and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation is seeking expressions of interest to fill the role. The role will entail attending meetings, reviewing documents, and providing strategic advice to guide the research program in its final year.
We invite expressions of interest from Reef Traditional Owners that have:
- Familiarity with Traditional Owner governance structures and aspirations as they relate to the Great Barrier Reef and its catchments,
- Experience working with Elders and senior personnel within major organisations, and
- Interest and/or experience in COTS research and management
Expressions of Interest
Please review the above EOI Guidelines, then express your interest in this role by sending your CV and covering letter addressing the selection criteria to
Applications must be received by the close date: 11:59pm (AEST) on Friday 23rd February 2024.
If you have questions, please email the GBRF Grants Office at