Expression of Interest: Reef Traditional Owner for Healthy Water and COTS-RRAS Technical Working Group Positions

This expression of interest (EOI) is to identify suitably qualified Traditional Owners through an open and transparent process, to fill vacancies in two of the RTP component Technical Working Groups (TWGs)— specifically the Crown- of-Thorns Starfish Control and Reef Restoration and Adaptation Science TWG (COTS-RRAS TWG) and the Healthy Water TWG (HW TWG).

About the Technical Working Groups

The TWGs are part of the existing Traditional Owner governance structure that underpins the co-design and co-delivery of the Reef Trust Partnership Program. The TWGs were established in early 2020 in response to calls from Traditional Owners (during a Reef-wide co-design workshop in May, 2019) for leadership roles in the design and delivery of programs that directly impact on and enable Traditional Owner’s to care for Land and Sea Country. The role of TWG members is to contribute their lived experiences, diverse skillsets and professional expertise to identify and create outcomes that have co-benefits to Traditional Owners of the Reef and Catchment areas.

About the commitment:

  • The COTS-RRAS TWG and the HW TWG each hold at least four TWG meetings per year—with an aim to deliver two meetings online and two in-person.
  • Members must be able to commit at least 20 days per year to the role. This is made up of:
    • preparation for and attendance at TWG meetings
    • participation in broader governance meetings and other activities related to the co-design and co-delivery of Traditional Owner led projects under the RTP Agreement
  • The term of this appointment is until June 2026.
  • Remuneration will be $650 per day for contribution to meetings, plus reasonable expenses to attend meetings (including flights, accommodation and meals for in-person meetings). 


Download and read through the Expression of Interest Guidelines before applying.

How to Apply

Step 1

Prepare an expression of interest (no more than two pages) outlining:

  • Clear preference for which of the Technical Working Groups your application applies to. Please note that if you have a strong interest in multiple topics, clearly identify which TWG(s) you are interested in and your order of preference.  
  • How your knowledge, experience and interests would contribute to the TWG you are applying for.
  • Description of your relationships within your community and amongst other Reef Traditional Owners and their partners.
  • Your availability to commit to the minimum time requirements for the work of each of the Technical Working Groups (currently estimated at 20 days per year) and ability to travel to meetings and workshops.
  • In your application please state your Traditional Owner group that exists within the Great Barrier Reef or Great Barrier Reef Catchment area. A letter of support from your Traditional Owner organisation or Elder will be highly regarded.

Step 2 

Include a resume with two referees, one must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person who the GBRF may contact.

Step 3 

Email your expression of interest to by 5:00pm AEST, Tuesday 18 June 2024.

For any further questions applicants may contact the GBRF by reaching out to:

Katrina Beattie, Co-Director Traditional Owner Partnerships via email