Community climate action
This is a critical decade for responding to the climate and biodiversity crisis, and shaping a better future for Reefs and communities. Community action can deliver outcomes at a local scale and contribute to empowering a broader movement to reduce emissions, mitigate impact and build resilience in the face of a changing climate.
#Together, our actions count
Together, our individual and community actions add up to reduce emissions, protect vital habitats and influence faster and broader change to protect the Reef.
The community climate action program works with partners to accelerate community climate action for the Reef, championed by Traditional Owners, community organisations, local councils, local businesses, and youth. Together, we aim to grow capacity and readiness for scalable community-led action, measure outcomes, and tell a powerful story of hope and change to help grow a movement.

#Why is this needed?
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report highlights that this is a moment for “all solutions on deck” to tackle the climate crisis.
The United Nations Development Programme defines climate action as - stepped-up efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-induced impacts.
In addition to the critical role of government, business and international players, strengthening the growing momentum from individuals taking action together is essential to drive change and find practical solutions for reducing emissions and building Reef and community resilience.
#Current Projects
Current Community Climate Action projects (2024-2025) include reducing community carbon emissions through behaviour change and social innovations, and on-ground actions that mitigate climate change and build resilience by protecting, enhancing and restoring key coastal habitats.

Green Nourishment Program (Stage 1 – Seagrass feasibility snapshot)
Cassowary Coast Regional Council
The project brings together Traditional Owners, council and research partners to map current seagrass knowledge and identify areas where seagrass may offer a nature-based solution for shoreline erosion on the Cassowary Coast. The project will ehance the capacity of Traditional Owners and communities to adapt to climate change and influence environmental management in the future.

Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils
This project will aid six regional councils, including three Aboriginal Shire Councils, in building long-term greenhouse gas inventories. It empowers resource-limited councils to engage in community-facing emissions tracking and reporting, facilitating climate action and inclusion in regional climate mitigation plans.

Starcke River Catchment Collaborative Research Plan
Juunjuwarra Aboriginal Corporation
This project will bring together a wide range of partners to develop an interconnected and coordinated community Collaborative Research Plan for the Starcke Landing and adjoining wetlands, salt pans, mangroves, seagrass beds and reefs. The plan will build capacity for ongoing research and improved on-ground management of the region’s environment, and inform mitigation strategies for climate change and other impacts.

Reef Resilience Showcase - Cairns Ecofiesta 2024
Cairns Regional Council
This project will deliver a Reef Resilience Showcase as part of the 2024 Ecofiesta event in Cairns. Activities will foster behaviour change for sustainable living, conservation and climate action and develop an impact evaluation program to establish a baseline and monitor outcomes for future years.

Community MangroveWatch Monitoring to Enhance Tidal Wetlands
Cairns and Far North Environment Centre
The project will continue tidal wetland monitoring and accelerate the development of Local Action Plans for Wet Tropics estuaries. Activities will enhance the leadership and capacity of existing Traditional Owner partnerships and grow local capacity for translating data into practical on-ground action for conservation and enhancement of tidal wetlands.

Reducing carbon footprints through minimising school waste
Reef Catchments (Mackay Whitsunday Isaac) Limited
The project will support local schools and youth leaders to improve their waste management practices and reduce their carbon footprint. This will be achieved through hands-on audits and growing youth leadership opportunities to take practical and measurable actions in their school and community.

Scaling up tropical seagrass restoration with citizen science
OzFish Unlimited
The project will develop a coordinated volunteer seagrass restoration program across Queensland for existing and new restoration locations. This project will increase volunteer recruitment and engagement in seagrass restoration programs across northern tropical, central and sub-tropical Queensland through a coordinated volunteer engagement program.

Community Climate Action for the Great Barrier Reef – ‘What Can I Do?’
CoralWatch (The University of Queensland)
The "What Can I Do?" program will use behavioural science principles to enable youth and community-led climate actions in Townsville and the Capricorn Coast. The project will promote seven pillars of climate action solution, and work with community partners to identify key local actions in moving towards decarbonisation.

Climate Resilience Champions
Earthwatch Institute Australia
This project empowers community partnerships in Mackay and Townsville to care for tidal wetlands and inspire proactive behaviours for climate action. Traditional Owners and community groups will undertake habitat monitoring and develop Local Action Plans targeting tangible coastal wetland protection interventions, anchored in modern citizen science and Traditional ecological insights.

Turtle Friendly Climate Resilient Coastlines
Envite Environment
This project will build climate resilience in Magnetic Island’s coastal habitats and wildlife. A Beach Regeneration Management Tool will be developed to inform on-ground revegetation strategies that mitigate the impacts of climate change, including limiting sediment loss for fringing seagrass communities and improving turtle nesting success through community driven initiatives.

Towards a net zero Magnetic Island-Yunbenun
Magnetic Island Community Development Association
This project focuses on reducing waste and energy as the two highest areas of carbon emissions contributions on Magnetic Island. As part of a whole-of-island strategy, the project will undertake a microgrid feasibility study, develop a zero-waste strategy, employ a Waste and Energy Biz Assist position to work with local businesses to reduce emissions and provide practical support for residents and visitors to reduce their emissions.
#Enabling Projects

WELA Great Barrier Reef Leadership Intensive
Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia
This project will deliver a leadership intensive to build leadership capacity of women and gender-diverse leaders in Reef catchment communities actively working to accelerate community climate action and coastal/marine restoration for the Reef.

How to Talk About Climate Change and the GBR Factsheet
Climate change is the number one threat to the Great Barrier Reef. However, talking about climate change in a way that motivates action can be tricky. Here are some quick facts and tips to help community Reef protection champions navigate those reef–climate conversations.

Inspiring Action for the GBR Factsheet
This factsheet presents a series of evidence-backed messages that are more likely to motivate individuals and communities to take meaningful climate action for the Great Barrier Reef.

Impactful climate actions for individuals and communities
Many of us care deeply about the Great Barrier Reef, but identifying actions to take on climate change can seem overwhelming. To make it easier, we've gathered insights from experts to help identify which actions to focus on when encouraging individuals and communities from the effects of climate change.