Expanding Traditional Owner Led Seagrass Monitoring and Restoration
Blue Carbon Program
This opportunity has closed.
The Blue Carbon Program is now seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Traditional Owner groups of the Great Barrier Reef to undertake seagrass monitoring and restoration projects on their Country.
The Great Barrier Reef is home to the largest seagrass ecosystem on the planet which reduces the impact of catchment run-off, provides breeding grounds for fish and shellfish, as well as capture and store carbon. Many Traditional Owners utilize seagrass ecosystems for livelihoods and food security, making them culturally significant habitats. Seagrass protection and restoration is critical to support the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef.
To learn more about seagrass and the Great Barrier Reef, visit: Seagrass - Great Barrier Reef Foundation
About this Expression of Interest
Expressions of Interest are now open for Traditional Owner led projects that address one or more of the following priorities:
Traditional Owner led monitoring and/or restoration of seagrass meadows and associated biodiversity, cultural and carbon values to inform participation in emerging markets or economies.
Trialling new ways of capturing and/or monitoring biodiversity, cultural and carbon values to complement existing seagrass monitoring or restoration programs.
Developing the baseline data and mapping that can support adaptive management decisions, site selection and deployment of restoration and resilience interventions for seagrass.
Business planning and development activities to support outcomes and activities outlined above.
If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, watch the recording of the Webinar from 25 May 2023 at 9am – 10am (AEST).
The recording is available here, please access by using the Passcode: #5A0cAy0.
This grant round is open to Traditional Owner groups of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and/or Reef catchments.
For further details regarding eligibility and project requirements please see the Key Documents.
Please note the new closing date for this Expression of Interest is 11:59pm (AEST) Tuesday 13 June 2023.
Completed application forms must be emailed to applications@barrierreef.org before the close date.
Any questions about the program or application process can be directed to the GBRF Grants Office at grants@barrierreef.org.
#Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ's)
Can multiple Traditional Owner groups join together as part of a single application?
Yes, joint applications are encouraged where appropriate. Applicants should nominate a lead group as part of the Expression of Interest.
Do I need to hold a workshop with GBRF as part of the application process?
No, if your application is fully formed and ready to be contracted, a project design workshop may not be required.
How will traditional knowledge provided as part of the project be managed by the Foundation?
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation's privacy policy, Principles of Free Prior and Informed Consent will be embedded into the contract you have.
Can consultancy firms or other non-Indigenous organisations apply for this application?
Traditional Owner groups can apply for the grant directly or through a sponsoring organisation that could manage contracts and payments.
If there is a project that falls within and outside of (adjacent to) the funding boundary, is this still eligible? If the project is adjacent to, but outside of the funding boundary, is this still eligible?
Example: For projects within the Great Sandy Marine Park - only the northern section of the marine park is captured within the boundary of the funding.
Yes, however, your application will need to demonstrate the connection to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
Should the grant fully focus on Sea Grass and science/monitoring or can it also include the relationship with biodiversity reliant on the seagrass?
Yes, projects can include the relationship with biodiversity reliant on seagrass. The project should focus on Traditional Owner priorities in each location.
This section will be updated regularly, please check back for new information.