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Aiming high to save the Reef
Together with our research partners, we’re leading the largest coral reefs program the world has ever seen, to save our irreplaceable Reef for future generations.

#World's largest coral reefs program
Together with our research partners, we’re leading the largest coral reefs program the world has ever seen, to save our irreplaceable Reef for future generations.
By pioneering new technologies and bringing people together, including the world’s leading marine science experts, Traditional Owners and local communities, we’re looking at new ways to save coral reefs and the marine life that depends on them.
After thoroughly examining 160 potential science interventions over the past two years, we’ve now identified 43 concepts for further scientific research and development.
The Foundation is privileged to be working with Australia’s leading marine science organisations to keep the reefs we have and rebuilding what we’ve lost, not just for our Reef but for the world’s reefs.