Manuwuri Forester
Manuwuri is a member of two Traditional Owner groups in Northern Queensland. On her mother’s side she is from the Lama Lama Clan of Princess Charlotte Bay, Cape York and on her father’s side, she is from the Nywaigi Clan, located near Ingham. She currently works as the Indigenous Partnerships Coordinator for AIMS (Australian Institute of Marine Science. Manuwuri has worked with and represented the Lama Lama People, especially in regard to their sea country aspirations and planning through her previous position as the Traditional Use of Marine Resource Agreement (TUMRA) Coordinator and grew the program from its inception to a strong program that has a holistic approach to all aspects of looking after sea country. Manuwuri is a consortium member of the Reef 2050 Traditional Owners Aspirations Project and the Queensland representative on the Indigenous Reference Group of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC). Manuwuri is passionate about assisting Traditional Owners to share their knowledge, experience and wisdom of our natural environment with others.

Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
International Scientific Advisory Committee

Theresa Fyffe
Executive Director Impact

Anna Marsden
Managing Director

Dr Paul Greenfield AO
Chairman, ISAC

Amanda McCluskey
Stewart Investors, Investor and Co-Head of Sustainable Funds

Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE
International Scientific Advisory Committee

Steven Sargent
International Scientific Advisory Committee