Dr Larry Marshall
Dr Larry Marshall chairs the American Chamber of Commerce, sits on the boards of Fortescue, Nanosonics, and ANU and wrote the book, Invention to Innovation.
He is the longest serving Chief Executive of CSIRO and led a transformation which doubled the value of CSIRO and achieved the first growth in 30 years, making it the first Australian entity to reach Thompson Reuters Global Top 20 Innovators.
He has co-founded and led six companies in Biotech, Telecom, Semi and Venture Capital, and is an inaugural Male Champion of Change STEM. He has a PhD in Physics and has been honoured for business acumen as a Fellow of AICD, as well as technology acumen as a Federation Fellow and Fellow of AIP & ATSE.
Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
International Scientific Advisory Committee
Theresa Fyffe
Executive Director Projects and Partnerships
Anna Marsden
Managing Director
Dr Paul Greenfield AO
Chairman, ISAC
Amanda McCluskey
Stewart Investors, Investor and Co-Head of Sustainable Funds
Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE
International Scientific Advisory Committee
Steven Sargent
International Scientific Advisory Committee