Elisa Nichols
Partnership Management Committee
Elisa Nichols is the Executive Director of the Office of the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage in the Department of Environment and Science. She is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the Queensland government’s Reef policy and programs and strategic World Heritage matters. She has a strong focus on developing partnerships and engaging with communities to deliver on ground outcomes, with a particular interest in growing partnerships between the Queensland government and First Nations peoples. She also has a strategic focus on the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage matters.

Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
International Scientific Advisory Committee

Theresa Fyffe
Executive Director Impact

Anna Marsden
Managing Director

Dr Paul Greenfield AO
Chairman, ISAC

Amanda McCluskey
Stewart Investors, Investor and Co-Head of Sustainable Funds

Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE
International Scientific Advisory Committee

Steven Sargent
International Scientific Advisory Committee