Gavin Singleton

Gavin Singleton

Yirrganydji man from the Cairns to Port Douglas region. Gavin is currently a Project Manager with the Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation and coordinates the Yirrganydji Land and Sea Ranger Program and Yirrganydji Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement. Gavin’s experience and contributions include representation on advisory committees such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Indigenous Reef Advisory Committee, Reef 2050 Indigenous Heritage Expert Group, and Cairns Regional Council’s First Peoples Advisory Committee. Gavin was a presenter/performer at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poland (2018), TEDx JCU Cairns (2018), and United Nations Oceans Conference SD-14 in New York (2017). Gavin has also featured in media networks and communication productions such as ‘ABC the Drum’, IUCN Video ‘Voices from the Reef’, Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s video ‘how to run a beach or river clean up’, and the Queensland National Parks Video ‘Be Pest Free’.


Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

International Scientific Advisory Committee

Theresa Fyffe

Theresa Fyffe

Executive Director Impact

Anna Marsden

Anna Marsden

Managing Director

Dr Paul Greenfield AO

Dr Paul Greenfield AO

Chairman, ISAC

Amanda McCluskey

Amanda McCluskey

Stewart Investors, Investor and Co-Head of Sustainable Funds

Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE

Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE

International Scientific Advisory Committee

Steven Sargent

Steven Sargent

International Scientific Advisory Committee