Ian Walker

Ian Walker

Partnership Management Committee

Ian recently joined the Reef Authority as the General Manager Major Projects covering Reef HQ aquarium redevelopment and operations, marine park policy and planning, charging structure review, Douglas Shoal remediation project, science for management including the GBR Outlook report.

Ian was the Executive Group Manager Environment and Conservator Flora and Fauna with Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate in the ACT government. Ian had responsibilities for 350 people covering parks and reserves (70% of the ACT), heritage, environment policy and planning, natural resource management, fire management, species conservation, biosecurity and water management. Key deliverables include delivery of a $93 million dollar Healthy Waterways Program, Fire response and recovery, water governance reforms, development of a science plan and cat strategy among other things. Ian has also played a key role in supporting community volunteers to care for our natural environment securing new investment to support catchment groups and landcare

Ian has supported ACT Ministers at Environment Minister meetings, Agriculture Minister meetings and the Murray Darling Basin Minister meetings.

With 25 years’ experience in leading land management, conservation, community and tourism, initiatives Ian is exceptionally skilled at establishing strategic partnerships and delivering real outcomes in complex social, environmental and political environments. Working in Victoria Western Australian and ACT governments, Ian has led policy, planning, implementation and evaluation of parks, conservation, community and tourism initiatives at site, program and strategic levels. This has included, establishment of Victoria’s Marine National Parks, joint management of parks with Traditional Owners in WA, Vic and ACT, the development of landscape scale initiatives including Habitat 141 and tourism initiatives including Warlu Way.

Ian is a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and World Commission Protected Areas where he has chaired the International Task Force on Healthy Parks Healthy People.


Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

International Scientific Advisory Committee

Theresa Fyffe

Theresa Fyffe

Executive Director Impact

Anna Marsden

Anna Marsden

Managing Director

Dr Paul Greenfield AO

Dr Paul Greenfield AO

Chairman, ISAC

Amanda McCluskey

Amanda McCluskey

Stewart Investors, Investor and Co-Head of Sustainable Funds

Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE

Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE

International Scientific Advisory Committee

Steven Sargent

Steven Sargent

International Scientific Advisory Committee